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How to create subscription cards
Updated over 7 months ago

Through Cluby, you can now also sell subscriptions. These subscriptions work exactly like any other monthly subscription program - customers start a membership, after which a payment is deducted from their account once a month.

These subscriptions can be, for example, coffee or lunch passes.

Here is how to start selling subscriptions:

Step 1. Navigate the Members tab

To start this process you need to find the “Members” tab and right at the top of it you can see your members, new members and your current cards.

Step 2. Create a subscription

At the top of the page you can also see “Sell subscriptions”, “Sell cards” and “Give cards”. If you want to create a card that is free, please select “Sell subscriptions” and after that “add new subscription”.

Step 3. Fill out the information

When creating a subscription you’ll need to fill out name (e.g. VIP), description (how does this subscription benefit the customer) both in finnish and in english.

Please upload a photo. We recommend using a photo that is 1500 x 900 pixels.

Then you should decide if you want the renewal period to be monthly or annually and price for the subscription (per month).

At the end you can specify if this card provides free entry or cloakroom (suitable for nightclubs).

If you have all the information for the subscription ready you can set it as active, remember to “save and publish”.

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