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Getting started with Cluby partner hub
Use the guides to help you get started with the basics.
14 articles
Get started on ClubyWhether you're setting up for the first time or exploring new features, this guide will help you navigate the platform with ease.
How to add, modify, and deactivate benefitsEasily manage and update benefits in the Partner Hub to keep members informed and engaged.
How to send push notifications from Partner HubInstructions for sending push notifications through the Partner Hub
A guide to exporting email addresses to your existing email marketing toolLearn how to export email addresses from the Partner Hub and quickly import them into your email marketing platform.
Assigning benefits to specific membership cards in ClubyLearn how to assign exclusive benefits to specific membership cards within the Cluby platform, ensuring targeted rewards for your members.
How to create and give cards to your membersA step-by-step guide on how to create, customise and give a new member card
How to create subscription cards
How to sell tickets with ClubyLearn how to easily create events and sell tickets through Cluby
How to set up a free event on Cluby
Guidelines for restaurant employeesIn these guidelines, we will cover how Cluby affects your daily tasks and
how to use it most effectively.
Removing members' cards in Cluby Partner Hub
Cluby product featuresIntroduction to Cluby's product features and how they can benefit you.
How to get reports of tickets sold through Cluby?
How to create a new venue in Cluby Partner Hub?